Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I made a blog!

Yay me. I always wanted a blog, but I have never really had a reason to have one. I don't have a family to update people on and show off cute pictures, and I'm not out on my own living some really cool life. But now... I'm going to London! For just shy of a year. And because the fact that I am absolutely horrible at keeping in touch will certainly not be helped by the fact that I will soon be on a different continent I figured this would be a good way to keep in touch with people, show off pictures, and whatever else people do with a blog.

I tried every possible variation of my name/nickname, and every catchy title I could come up with but every one was taken! But I love Winnie the Pooh quotes, and he holds a special place in my heart. I especially like this quote: "My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling, but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places." I can't spell, and please don't assume the spelling in this blog will ever be correct. And even though I have a decent amount of self-esteem, I think I'm somewhat smart, and I somehow managed to get into UCL, in some ways, I am of very little brain.

This blog is private simply because I have seen far too many TV specials about creepers on the internet. If you're reading this its because either you asked me, or you have a blog that I am currently stalking you on so now you can return the favor.

Anyone know how to post pictures on blogs???


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!! I'm excited to hear all about your London adventures. And maybe I'll be able to come visit you while you're there...we'll see how much money a poor student can save up :). And if you want assistance on your blog maybe I can help you out this weekend! xoxo

  2. Yay! Welcome to the blogosphere! I only use LiveJournal so I can't help with the pictures I'm afraid.

    And I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree on the matter of your being of little brain.

  3. Hey Kat! I love that you made a blog. Maybe you will be better at posting on your blog than I have been on mine. :-) I can't wait to hear about your adventures (and hopefully not too many mishaps) in London. Oh, and when you are typing a new post, you will see several little icons right above where you type. The little blue landscape button is for adding pictures. And the little filmstrip button is for adding videos. Good luck!
